Sail up to Ft. Lauderdale

Crew Ready, Boat in spectacular shape, provisioned adequately, we set sail. First Stop, Little Palm Island. Coming in at low tide, and the Sunset dock being "hogged" by some big 100ft yacht!!, we were left with the Harbor side dock with depths of 5 ft. (our draft, 4'11"). We were advised of a small sand bar just prior to the dock and did just skim the top of it. Ken gunned the motor and we made the last 15 yds to the dock without much to-do. Dinner at the Fab Little Palm restaurant watching the wonderful sunset.
Plans to set sail in the middle of the night with higher tides and time allowing us to make Key Largo before dark the following day. Got to sail with the genoa most of the day. Winds ESE. Anchored in Rodriguez Key and Wendall motored out to tender us to their dock. Dinner at Sharkeys, then tendered back out to the boat. Slept until 4am. Set sail for South Beach. (Miami Beach Marina). A little skirmish with a jellyfish as the crew dangled their feet from the rail. Glad to have the vinegar and Motrin on the boat. Nasty pain for Niki!

South Beach was windy, but wonderful and we showered, fluffed up and looked for dinner. Ended up at the Avalon eating outside and watching the "side-walk" show. You all remember!...

Ken and I headed back to the boat with a stop at Joe's Crab house for cocktail. Niki, Matt, Lisa & Joe headed for night of dancing & clubbing.

Our last destination, Ft. Lauderdale, Pier 66. Sailed genoa and main all the way, averaging 7-8 kts. Fabulous sailing. Almost hated to stop. Our slip was right next to "Joe Fly" (remember the black boat with the green creature on the sail) a wonderful Farr 40 racer that docked at Conch harbor for Key West Race Week. They had just finished Miami Race Week taking 2nd in their class/division.

Spent a day or so tucking the boat in and getting it ready for the next leg to St. Augustine. Ken made plans for some last minute improvements, and I will finally get my mirror in the aft cabin, along with some hooks for clothes. (you know, the real important stuff).

During this trip, we tested (again) the rope generator, and different electronics and happy to say all made Ken happy with their results. Every day he states how happy and excited he is about the condition of the boat and the upcoming sailing this summer. Hard work and time pays off.

Next post will be Ft. Lauderdale to St. Augustine...until then

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