Grateful Red takes Third!!!

How exciting this weekend was for boat and land crew of Grateful Red. Cissy and I announced to the entire Hamilton Bermuda that we were anxiously waiting for Grateful Red to arrive at the dock of Royal Bermuda Yacht Club. (didn't have much else to do except drink wine). Sitting on our veranda overlooking the Sound, we finally spotted that much loved black mast coming around the corner and down the harbor. We leaped from our chairs and ran down to the dock some 6-8 blocks away. Getting there just in time for dark to fall and grab dock lines, I quickly took a few shots of the boats approach to the dock. There was quite a reception on the dock for the boat and crew as it was the boat that sailed the furthest in the race before starting their motor sailing. Commodore of the Yacht club, Director of the C2B race, other sailors and Cissy and I all there with arms wide open to greet our sailors. Danny the Director had some Gosling Ginger Beer and a bottle of Gosling Black Rum as a "dock warming" gift. (Dark and Stormy's for all!)

Before the crew scattered, I took a great crew shot with their Grateful Red jackets on. Then, they all were more than ready to get off the boat and regain their land-legs. After the boat was secured and crew had a bit of a breather, we walked to a great Italian restaurant on the way to the hotels, had a wonderful meal and heard the beginning of the stories of their adventures.

Grateful Red and Crew received many cudo's for the great job they did. The choice of sail and their stick-to-it-ness dedication to sail as far as they could before the lack of wind won out and they turned on the motor.

We are all so proud of this boat, Ken, Jack, Curtis, Bridgette, and Mark. Living together on a small space with only water surrounding them for so many days. So glad they returned safe and ready to sail again....

and just for fun..., some pictures of Bermuda, The Spirit of Bermuda Tall ship, and the "land-crew" Cissy Yoes and Kristine. We arrived Wednesday and having 2 1/2 days to wait for the boat to arrive, we toured the island. What a place. Highly recommend a travel there. Enjoy

We have secured a transponder to follow the continued saga of Grateful Reds Transatlantic voyage. Starting Tuesday in the afternoon, the transponder will "wake-up" and start tracking the boats progress. Check out and click on cruising boats, then current cruisers, and then Grateful Red. Should be fun! Questions, call or e-mail me.


  1. so proud of you dad!
    kristine, keep up the great blog work.

    love you both

  2. Nice pic of Cissy and Kristine on dock with cocktails! damn, wish I could be there with you!
