Ken, Jack & Curtis - Horta update

...ok, so a little "diddy" from the publisher of the blogsite. I waited "patiently" to hear some word from Ken letting me know that their feet were on land, the boat was tied up, and ice was on it's way to the rum and coke. Maybe they were "sleeping" or just at the local "must-go-and-see" bar, but it was almost 24 hours from the time I quit looking at the transponder because I knew they made it, and the time they called...MEN! My final request before we ended the call was to ask him to give you all an update for this part of the journey. And here it is, enjoy, and know that when they arrive back in the US, I will be given pictures from Jack to put on the blog. You know, the picture, "play-by-play"...well, the stuff they want us to see.

"Finally arrived in Horta - less then 14 days of sailing to cover 2000 miles of ocean! Landed with only two gallons of diesel left in the tank - lucky for us the wind picked up on the last day. Started cruising at six plus knots for the last 50 miles. Horta marina is full - the Grateful Red is rafted two boats out from the sea wall - next to a boat with a couple of Norwegians - one very chatty. Exchanged crossing stories drank rum and coke - with ice.

Immediately upon arrival went to Pete's bar across the street from the Horta Marina. many sailors telling big wind and sea stories. We fit right in. Learned that the next day was a national holiday in the Azores - everything is closed for a local festival. Started to remove the alternator for repair - as i am deep in dismantling found a broken wire - upon repair voile the generator starts to work again. No repair needed.

The custom is for each boat doing an ocean crossing to paint their crew names, boat name and logo on the Azore marina sea wall. We are going to the local hardware store for paint and tools to leave our mark "on the wall" tomorrow. Friday is up early for the flight home - frequent flier tickets mean numerous stops and layovers - all of leave on Friday and don't arrive home until Saturday evening.
Start getting ready for the Azores to Amsterdam leg. Sail on!


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