First News from the Skipper - Tuesday

Ken's First Update...

Jack and I arrived in Horta on the same flight from Lisbon. the pilot came down to land on runway not once, not twice but three times. The third time he turned the plane around and landed on the runway from the opposite direction. Didn't build moral in the plane. the guy next me was starting to say "hail marys'. once down (and kissing the runway) we figured the sail couldn't be any worse.

We filled with water and diesel. Loaded food and moved the boat to the custom dock for checkout. Since Matt wasn't due in to after customs closed we decided not disclose his existence. Matt arrived on time he were waiting for him at Pete's bar. A round of beers, walk to the boat and we were off by nine in the evening - Matt was only in Horta for an hour so no customs was necessary.

Winds were good, sun was out and we weaved thru the Azores islands and out to the Atlantic sailing north. Winds have been a solid 15 to 20 beamish from the west. Always sailing seven plus knots - day was sunny and nice. No foul weather gear for this crew. Working on three hours, off three hours, new person every hour and hot bedding - three sleeping quarters each shared by two crew members who never work the same shift. morning of day two wind is still solid but from the south east - drizzle and sailing seven. No boats, no shore only a few dolphin every now and then. let "otto" do the sailing.

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