Koster Island Rendezvous with Ola

Visit to Anholt island (part of Denmark) was short and sweet. Crowded harbor - although a terrific dock/rafting off a couple of boats - beautiful sand beach and one restaurant. Had a fish dinner and the crew played Danish Scrabble. Back to sea at ten in the evening as the sun dipped below the horizon. Nice sailing conditions to Goteburg in Sweden. Interestingly as we sailed overnight in winds of maybe 20 knots, a hundred miles north and our future location of the Koster Islands on the swedish/norwegian border were being slammed by 55 to 65 knot winds and seas of 30 feet. A number of ships sunk including a Russian cargo ship with oil. Oslo fjord was a mess - gale winds and high seas - glad we were not a little early.

Stayed the day in Goteburg. Strolled the downtown, went to a nice fish restautant and used the fine - but no hot water - showers at the marina. Cold water definitely gets the blood moving.

Set out early on Monday morning along the Swedish coast. Lots of granite!

Arrived early evening at the Koster Islands - no winds of 55 maybe 15 and met with Ola and family. Ola was one of the original Natural, Ltd founders and now owner of a fabulous cottage on North Koster Island. Daughters Olivia (12), Sophia (9) and son William (6) plus wife Lisa joined the party. Nothing like a group of children to increase the group entropy. Olivia, Sandra and William now have Grateful Red hats and we know that Norwegian schools start in one week, four days and a few hours.

Will leave early on Tuesday for Oslo fjord.

ps -pic is the Grateful Logo painted on the Horta wharf. Very nice painting done by the Horta to amsterdam crew. kj

1 comment:

  1. Hey...I am so sorry to be missing the party in Oslo. Today I bought women's bibs and my own off shore life vest. I have grown the requisite set of balls for the bring back after the Med. Talk nice about me at the party. Though I ranted and was as scared as a beaten chihuahua a few times on the Horta to Amsterdam leg, I prevailed! Drink plenty of rum for me! Truly, truly wish I were there.
