Sunday, April 11th

As you can see, the weather is clearer and things are "greening" up for our journey. The following pictures are one typical canal lock. We had to wait for this barge to leave the lock. Amazing how they fit. We think our fit is tight!

Sunday, before setting out, I washed the sides of the boat again. The locks leave so much slime it is a daily task for me. Settled up with Michel before departing. 2 showers, 2 laundry wash and 2 drys plus our mooring came to 26 Euros.

We will turn left on the Canal de l’Oise a l’Aisne today. We head to Bourg-et-comin and then on to Pinon, a quick Halt Nautique with maybe 4-5 quayside moorings. Only picnic tables and trash containers here. We walked to town but being Sunday the stores were closed. This is too bad as they had a huge SuperMarket that I am sure had my cooking gas.

We crossed the bridge to go to another community there and I found one bakery open (of course) and I purchased a coke and sweets for Ken and for dinner a small pizza type quiche. Our evening was quiet with us planning our next 3 days itinerary with Reims as our destination.

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