Saturday, May 1st

Picked up Ken, Wendell and Shelly at Hyatt adjacent to Charles de Gaulle Airport-Paris with no problem. Car was certainly packed with 2 new sails Ken brought from USA and everyone’s luggage. It was a great day for the drive and we enjoyed the French countrysides with the brilliant fields of Colza.

“France has a wonderful variety of beauty - natural, man-made and somewhere in-between. One good example of 'somewhere in-between' is a colza field. Colza is a yellow variety of cabbage that is cultivated by farmers to make cooking oil.
What's so amazing about colza is that it can stimulate two senses simultaneously - sight, it's a bright deep yellow that only nature can create, and smell, a very sweat one; think of a smell resembling the taste of honey.”

Just before entering Chaumont, we stopped at the Viaduc for pictures. It is an amazing structure for sure. We took a small tour of Chaumont and being a Holiday (May 1st) everything was closed but an Irish Pub! Still a great time before we got to the boat. Everyone settled in, a bit of boat repair was done and I returned the rental car by 6pm as I had promised the clerk at EuroCar. (Eurocar was closed due to the Holiday but the clerk agreed to meet me for 10 minutes at 6pm for the return)

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