4 days and 3 nights! On to Dubvronik

I did a bit more laundry and shopping before we had a bit of lunch. The fish market was open so I bought some swordfish steaks and a bag of ice.


We left the marina around 12:40pm. We motored about 1 ½ hours to Isola Volcano thinking we would check out an active volcano. They also had some healing mud baths that many tourists come to sit in. We decided not to walk up the 2 hour hike to see the volcano, and instead we had a nice lunch and then left for Isola Lipari. In Lipari, we found free WiFi, a wonderful Market, and a big fish market for our ice requirements. We had our swordfish for dinner with potatoes and fresh peas. Even the box-o-wine I had was good that night. Overnight, we experienced a great bit of swaying at the dock due to all the ferry’s coming and going . The fish market opened early and so by 7AM, I had the ice we needed and we left for our 3-night/4-day sail. We started out motoring so I was able to make crepes for breakfast and the remainder of our first day was filled with some line repair and my catching up on my journal’s. With no wind, could be a lazy 4 days.

Entering the Straits of Messina

Interesting viaducts along the way

A bit of boat traffic...

Laundry spinner!

Wind surfer we met along shore of the "boot" of Italy

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