Cres-week one continued

Friday, Ken and I drove to Zagreb utilizing the car ferry from Merag on Otok Cres to meet John Hardiman who had flown in on Thursday.

Car Ferry approaching the dock

While waiting for the ferry, Ken checked the Cub scores.

John will stay with Charlie and I on the boat for the next week, and then in our apartment during race week. All our connections for our rental car, the boat ferry and driving in a new country has gone quite well. And, frankly, I love driving 130 km per hour. It sounds so fast!

View from our Zagreb Hotel window

Ken will return on Saturday, June 18th to meet up with our race crew and get the boat prepared for the ORC World Championship Regatta. We are one of two USA boats and are surrounded by boats from Germany, Italy, France, Norway, Denmark, and so on. (an interesting mix of language). We tend to be a curiosity at many of the marina’s we go to with our big red boat and large US flag on our transom. The question we hear over and over, “did you sail your boat all the way from America?”

The next few weeks will be filled with friends and race crew coming and going and full exploration of Cres. I highly recommend a visit to Croatia if you ever have the opportunity. It is truly a beautiful country. .

Another great view of Cres

One of the "locals" in his day attire...

With Ken gone, Charlie, John and I spent several hours each day working on projects on the boat.

John and I "hauled" Charlie up the mast to change the windex light.

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