Girls Crew - St. Augustine to Edisto Beach Leg

Ft. Lauderdale Crew, Charlie, Scott, Denny, Jory & Vicky, having departed on Sunday, new crew, Kristine, Debi, Leslie, & Mary (karla missing, not at sea!, and Teri to be picked up at Brunswick Golden Isle Marina) checked for last minute provisioning, went to bed with plans for a 3pm departure. Winds on Sunday had us alittle concerned with the exit from the dock, but weather forcast was for decreased winds by that time. Our exit was smooth and we made our way out to sea.
Next stop, Brunswick Georgia. Dockage at Golden Isle marina. Winds at our nose we motored the first day. Teri arrived on time, although she missed our boat dinner of cheese and chicken quesidillias! Tasty!

Departure Monday night planned for 1pm, but was hard to get to bed in time for a reasonable rest. First crew shift, Ken, Mary & Teri pushed off alittle late, but with great even tide effects. Back to the Ocean swiftly, with hot coffee in hand. Tuesdays sail was great, alittle cool, no sun at first. Able to sail both main and genoa. About 10-14 knot winds, perfect for us! Happy to say, no heads over the rail so far. Great victory for the girls sail! Arrived at Thunderbolt around 2:30. Easy dock. Secured the boat and the girls headed to Tubbys Tank house, for some downhome libations...can you even imagine. Found some wonderful rockers to help us unwind.

1 comment:

  1. Motley Crue for sure! Hey, where's the photo of you gals sailing???
