Sail to Edisto Beach....continued

From Brunswick, experiencing a spectatular sunrise, we sailed the 13 hour sail to Savannah and after navigating the Wilmington River, we docked at Thunderbolt.
It didn't take us long to get a
hot shower and find a great bar. Tubbys Tank house provided great "southern" hospitality via rockers and tasty martini's.
(ken stayed back at the boat to work, girls sipped...)

Later in the evening we took the Magik taxi van into Savannah to find Polk's market. Our sailing friend Ann Marie let her friends Diane and Jerry know we were coming and they treated us to a great southern Low country boil.

We had a tremendous time in Savannah. Diane and Jerry Polk were gracious hosts and "over-fed" us. A Low country boil is similar to a fish boil, but honestly, better! Shrimp, crab, corn, potatoes, sometimes sausage, okra, yummmmm! All you could eat. We also experienced boiled peanuts. You either love them or don't.

Well, I DID! Thank you Diane and Jerry.

Our plan was to motor up the river to downtown Savannah on Wednesday morning, but weather came in and we decided not to compete with the container barges in the dark and rain. Good decision. We had the same cab driver several times and he wanted to become one of the sailing crew. Saw our great times we were having. Wednesday night we met several friends at Vic's on the River for dinner. Diane and Jerry, Bonnie and John, Jan, Nancy, Jim and John. All coming Thursday to Edisto for the party. John Hardiman took us to a bar afterward where we danced and continued to bond with our new and old friends. We Loved Savannah!

All of our sails started in the middle of the night in order to arrive in daylight hours to our next marina. Teri, Mary and Kristine had first shift leaving Savannah. We left at low tide to get the aid of the current for the 2+hour motor out the Wilmington River to the Ocean. Dark, foggy, and occasional rain, we reached the Ocean and woke Ken up. His job was to plot our last course to Edisto. Miserable rainy day.

Not cold thankfully, but very wet at times. Wasn't the most pleasant sail we had but we arrived in Edisto on time (our planned time to arrive). Kristine docked the boat in the strongest current

we had experienced and after tying up, we got the beer out! Edisto Beach would be our home for next several days. We had 40 friends meeting us there for the "Winter" party! Heard Wisconsin had snow, and we were happy to be in Edisto. It is fondly referred to as "Ed-is-slow" and they really mean it!

Enjoy the remaining pictures of some of our "party" times in Edisto Beach. Highly recommended for a low-key time away from the stress of our daily lives.

Just some quick pictures to share. Can you guess if we had a good time?...duh!

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